Genuine TVS XL100 Mirror Set
TVS XL100 Mirror Set TVS XL100 Moped
The Mirror set includes:
- TVS XL100 Lefthand Mirror
- TVS XL100 Righthand Mirror
GENUINE TVS PARTS from Tuk Tuk 3-Wheelers.
Tuk Tuk 3-Wheelers Parts and Services Corp. is an Authorised TVS Dealer.
It is important to use your mirrors at all times. Every time you make a manoeuvre you should check your mirror first. When you change lane check your mirror, when you overtake check your mirror before you pull out to overtake and check it again to make sure you are clear of the vehicle you are overtaking before pulling back in.
Something I see every time I drive in the Philippines is cars trucks and buses having to brake because a motorcycle has overtaken theme and pulled in too soon, remember you have a rear-wheel and that also need to be clear before you pull back in.
When I took my driving test in the UK I was taught Mirror, Signal, Mirror Again, Manoeuvre.
Mirror to check on other vehicles around you, on their position, speed and to check they are not about to over or undertake you.
Signal: to let other road users know what you are about to do.
Mirror again: to make sure other vehicles have taken notice of your signal to recheck their position and speed.
Manoeuvre: Brake or accelerate whichever is needed and position yourself where you need to be on the road.
Mirror on the left is broken when it arrived. I was not able to use this
Great customer service.
thank you seller
Complete. Thanks Tuk Tuk
you are 5 stars on my tvs