Tuk Tuk Community

Tuk Tuk Community is the Best

The Tuk Tuk Community has to be one of the best communities there is. When you buy a Tuk Tuk you become part of one of the closest most friendly communities there is.

While most of you will be aware of the friendly helpful groups on Facebook it goes far beyond that.

Often when driving if you see another Tuk Tuk they will wave at you or beep their horn.

Since I got my Tuk Tuk it has changed my life and opened up a whole new world to me.

3 years ago we met up and went on a run with a group called PRE South, and we were made so welcome, at the time we never realised that the members would become great friends in fact today they are more than friends they are like family.

It does not matter if you drive a TVS King, Bajaj or a Piaggio Ape, if you drive a Three-Wheeler for private use or you use it as a taxi the close community is still there.

Tuk Tuk Drivers are Helpful

When coming through Tagaytay late one night we had a problem with our signal lights, we pulled over to check the fuse and in a short while we had a Tuk Tuk that is used as a Taxi come over to help us and he spent over one hour trying to fix it. I offered to pay him but he would not accept it, that is the way it is with Three-Wheeler owners we are all friends and we help because we have Tuk Tuks in common.

Next month some of us are going on a run to Bicol to attend a wedding. You might think there is nothing unusual about that. But there is because none of us have ever met the couple that are getting married.

So how did it happen getting invited to a wedding of someone we have never met? Our mechanic got called out to fix a TVS King because the company he bought it from were unable to fix it. When the mechanic got back he told me the owner was a Canadian, so I looked him up on Facebook.

Turned out he was British not Canadian so I phoned him up for a chat as we have 2 things in common being British and Tuk Tuks.

Then a few weeks ago he sent me a message to say he drove from Laguna to Bicol in his TVS King with 5 people and a load of luggage. He then invited me and PRE South to his wedding.

Tuk Tuk International Friendship

The friends I have made because of owning a Auto Rickshaw are not limited to friends in the Philippines it is International.

For me it has re-established links to the UK, people I had never met in the UK started to contact me because of Tuk Tuks and friendships have formed from it with talk of them coming to visit once the pandemic is over.

One of them James Warren that runs a Podcast called Adventures in a Tuk Tuk even interviewed me for his Podcast, talk about a small world I moved 6,000 miles from the UK and become friends with James and discovered he used to live just a few miles away from me in the UK.

I have also made friends with people in America, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt and many other countries just because we all have a love of Tuk Tuks.

Then there are our customers at Tuk Tuk 3-Wheelers many of whom have become friends first and customers second.

So if you want a life with more friends and a great community get a Tuk Tuk.

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