Why Engines that use 20W40 Oil Give Better Performance

Why Engines that use 20W40 Oil Give Better Performance

When it comes to 20W40 vs 20W50 Oils we first need to point out that you should always use the grade of oil recommended by the manufacture. Every engine is designed for a specific grade of oil and using anything else could damage the engine.

Example: Always use 20W40 in a TVS King, for a Bajaj RE it should be 20W50

Differences between 20W40 and 20W50

Viscosity: The high-end viscosity of these oils is different. For example, it is 40 for 20w40 and 250 for 20w50.

Flash Point: The flashpoint of 20w40 is 238 degrees C, and for 20w50, it is 230 degrees C.

The pour point of 20w40 is -30 degrees Celsius, whereas, for 20w50, it is -42 degrees Celsius.
No need to worry about this in the Philippines as temperatures never go this low.

20w40 performs better in hot climates in comparison to 20w50.
This one is an important consideration in countries with a hot climate like the Philippines.

Also, 20w40 is more fuel-efficient in comparison to 20w50.
When people make false claims about poor fuel consumption they clearly never took this into consideration.

20w40 Specifications

It is a multi-grade oil it is balanced with superior additives that help maintain the horsepower of your Tuk Tuk progressively. This is one of the reasons the TVS King has better overall performance.

When it comes to corrosion or rust 20W40 offers ideal protection.

Thermal and oxidation stability are also ideal perks of using this grade

Hence engine life will be increased and the service costs and operating costs will less in the long term.

Because of the built-in cleaning features of the additives added to this grade of oil, it helps with cleaning of the engine and stop the build-up of sludge, it also eradicates dirt deposits from engine components which make the engine function better.

The built-in cleaning feature of 20w40 oil is what helps in cleaning and controlling the build-up of sludge. Moreover, it also eradicates the dirt deposits from engine components, thereby keeping the engine highly functional.

In recent years some manufactures of 4 stroke motorcycles have been switching to engines suitable for 20W40 with very promising results. They are finding it gives top-notch performance and the dirt dispensing is better.

Repsol 20w40


20W50 is also a muti-viscosity oil but it is thicker than 20W40

It is said to offer protection and cushioning against friction and corrosion in the engine system. It is a good sealant and that results in the extension of the engine oil life.

They are generally used for older designs of vehicles. It offers good viscosity, however it offers less horsepower and there is a chance, it may decrease the crankshaft functioning.

One of the disadvantages of using 20w-50 is that is more fuel consuming. This oil grade is not suitable for modern engines because of the thickness of the fluid.

They tend to move towards more sensitive-prone areas of the engine and that will cause more harm than good.

Because the lubricant is not thin, it is highly likely to damage and wear the internal parts of the engine. Oils that are more viscous also increase the oil pressure.

20W50 is also known to cause;

Extreme engine wear
Seized timing adjusters
Poor gas mileage
Damaged timing chain tensioners

It is believed that at both 20W40 and 20W50 they both still offer the same viscosity once exposed to high temperatures. But even so, both vary in their properties.

The main objective of engine oil is to support the engine’s smooth performance with proper lubrication and cleaning. 20W40 is suitable for hotter climates and will not cause sludge as opposed to 20w50.

What can we gather from this?

Engines that use 20W40 are normally of a more modern design.

TVS engine technology has been at the top of the field for many years, the fact they have been an unstoppable force in Indian Motorcycle racing for many years proves this.

Vehicles that use 20W40 are more fuel-efficient

In the case of the TVS King, I can vouch for this. When going on runs with other brands of Tuk Tuks where we travelled the same distance, at the same speeds in the same traffic we found we were adding less fuel in a TVS King than the other brands.

Engines that use 20W40 give better performance.

The fact that the TVS King has better performance has been proven so many times. In fact from 0 to 80kph the TVS outperforms the Bajaj from 0 to 60kph and from 70 to 80kph. This means it is only between 60 to 70kph that the Bajaj can touch a TVS King on performance and even then it is by a very small amount which the TVS King quickly catches up as soon as it hits 70kph.
Then when it comes to hill climbing the TVS King simply leaves the Bajaj behind. When running with Bajaj owners I find that when we climb a hill I am just using a quarter throttle to stay behind them.

TVS King Green

TVS King Lime Green

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