TVS King Myths

8 TVS King Myths Debunked – The Truth

There are a lot of TVS King Myths going around which only goes to show how good the TVS King is. If half their claims were true they would not need to make up false claims about it.

TVS King Myths

Myth: Nobody knows if the TVS King is durable and will last over time as it is new.

The Truth: TVS has been making three-wheelers since 2008 and many of the first ones are 12 years old and still on the road. TVS Motor Company has a long history of making reliable parts for the automotive industry and many top brands of cars have TVS parts in them.

In 1972 TVS formed an industry collaboration with Clayton Dewandre Holdings, United Kingdom and started to make auto parts.

Some of the Automotive companies TVS makes parts for are VW, Ford, Daimler Trucks, GM, Isuzu, Hyundai, BMW, Honda, DAF, Kenworth, Volvo, Renault, Mack and many more.

8 TVS King Myths Debunked - The Truth TVS King Number One for Perfomance

This TVS King was made in 2009 and is still on the road today 12 years later. It started its life in India and is now in the UK.

Myth: The TVS is made with parts from Bajaj.

The Truth: Out of the many TVS King Myths this is the strangest.

To our knowledge, no part of the TVS King is made by Bajaj, however, there are parts of the Bajaj RE that is made by TVS Group. TVS Make their own chassis, body and engine. The engine is very different to that of the Bajaj.

Myth: The TVS King is not good at climbing hills.’

The Truth: This has been put to the test many times with everybody that tested it coming to the same conclusion, and that is the TVS King climbs faster than every other vehicle in the same class. When we tested it on a 1.8 km climb the TVS did it 25 seconds quicker than its competitors.

Myth: The TVS King will overheat on a long journey as it has no oil cooler.

The Truth: The cooling system on a TVS King is very different from a Bajaj it does not need an oil cooler because it has a fan to cool the engine, also because it has a jet that sprays oil under the piston it means there is less friction so produces less heat.

We have been on a run of over 360km and it had no problem with overheating. A friend of mine drove his TVS King from Laguna to Bicol with five people and a load of luggage and he had no problem.

The TVS King Overheating claim is clearly made by uneducated people that know little or nothing about the way engines work.

Myth: The TVS King is slow.

The Truth: Compared to other Tuk Tuks it is far from slow we found that it out accelerated the two main competitors by a long way, it has a top speed of 85kph with many owners reporting they have gone faster,.

I had a TVS doing 85 kph with just three-quarters of the throttle used, and I am sure it would have done more.

Myth: The TVS King has poor fuel consumption.

The Truth: TVS King Fuel Consumption is goodMost TVS owners report that they get between 30 to 35km per litre. Some of them have even reported getting 40km per litre.

I did the same run with my Bajaj RE and my TVS over a distance of 128km, had the same passengers and the same weight, and filled up at the same petrol station on the way and when we got home. The difference in consumption was just 3 peso cheaper for the RE. However, at the time, the TVS King was new to me and I was driving it the same as I did my RE, now I have changed my driving style I am getting even better fuel consumption.
When running with a group of Bajaj RE on the same roads at the same speed we found the TVS King needed less fuel to fill up than the Bajaj.

So there is no doubt that thee TVS King has very good fuel consumption.

We had one customer that used to have a Bajaj but switched to TVS King he was complaining that the fuel consumption was not good, our mechanics could not find a reason for it, so I went for a ride with the driver and discovered he was driving it the same as you would drive a Bajaj. After teaching him how to drive a TVS differently he now reports that it gets better fuel consumption than his Bajaj.

Myth: You can’t get parts for a TVS King.

The Truth: There may have been a bit of truth in this before Tuk Tuk 3-Wheelers started. However, over the last year, we have made sure that TVS King Parts are available to order online from our TVS King Parts Shop or for pick up from our shop. We also take orders over Facebook or via phone. We also send TVS King Parts to resellers all over the Philippines. So you can order parts for delivery or from our network of resellers nationwide.

Myth: TVS King is an E-Trike.

The Truth: The fact that the TVS King is fitted with a 200cc gasoline engine is a sure sign it is not an E-Trike as the E stands for electric and an electric vehicle is powered by an electric motor, other giveaways are the exhaust pipe and the noise it makes.

No doubt they will carry on making up TVS King Myths and we will carry on adding to the list of debunked TVS King Myths. Making up false claims simply proves that you realise that the TVS King is a better machine.

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